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Quantum Healing Source


Change your Thinking, Change your Life

Quantum Healing Source is a unique player in the wellness industry, taking an innovative approach to providing health and wellness services that will leave you feeling stronger and healthier. We provide you with a variety of options when it comes to managing your overall well-being.

Make the positive lifestyle change you’ve been wanting; see what Quantum Healing Source has to offer you.

The entire foundation of our approach to health and disease is redefined through a deeper understanding of the reality as described by quantum physics. 

Quantum Healing is a technique that focuses, amplifies and directs Life-Force energy through the body, and recipients have found it to achieve a wide range of benefits and often extraordinary results. 

The Science

Everything is made of energy, including our bodies, thoughts and emotions. The human body is made of cells, which are made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms. Quantum physics explains that atoms (the building blocks of our universe and our bodies) are 99.99999% energy, and only 0.00001% matter. Therefore, what we perceive as our material physical world, is not actually material at all. 

If you imagine the nucleus (the centre of the atom) is the size of a peanut, then the whole atom is about the size of a football stadium. All the space inside the football stadium is energy. If we then lost all the space inside the atoms in our body, we would each be able to fit into a particle of dust, and the entire human race would fit into the volume of a sugar cube. This gives us an insight into how much of the universe is made up of energy; practically all of it! It is therefore of great value to see the body in terms of energy, as this is what makes up who and what we really are.

What is Energy Healing?

It has been scientifically proven that every living creation is made up of electromagnetic energy which vibrates at different frequencies. You may have heard this described in the past as an ‘Aura’ or ‘Chi’ energy, which flows through the body in order to maintain health and well-being, both physically and emotionally. Energy healing is the clearing and re-balancing of the entire physical body and the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds it.

In an energy healing session, we will hold a very high frequency vibration, focusing on the area of pain or concern. The theory is, that this part of the body will entrain to this high vibration, allowing the body to start to heal itself. Many recipients have testified of this having a wonderful effect on pain relief.

What is Distance Healing & Quantum Therapy ?

Distance Healing is a technique whereby you do not have to be physically present to receive healing. The intention to heal is sent by the healer and received by the client in an instant transmission.  The healer can then in real time access information about the client and transmit healing.  This is explained by Quantum physics, it is called the entanglement theory, when two particles of energy come into contact with each other they can then share information or mirror each other even if separated by time and space.

This quantum phenomenon occurs when two particles become “entangled” through an interaction, creating a link between them in which their quantum states remain linked even after they are separated by large distances. This entanglement allows quantum therapy practitioner to access quantum energy and use it as a healing source, and then direct this quantum energy to target specific issues within the client’s body.


Quantum Therapy is based on the idea that by connecting with quantum entanglement, we can tap into a deeper level of healing that is not available through traditional therapies. We can use quantum entanglement to access quantum energy and target specific issues within the client’s body, allowing for more effective healing than traditional methods. This type of quantum therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including depression, anxiety, stress and chronic pain.

Albert Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance.”

Image by William Farlow

The Benefits of Quantum Healing Therapy

Quantum Healing Source was founded in 2020 in Oxfordshire England, to provide comprehensive services that support and foster the health of our client's. We offer a variety of treatments and services to improve and help maintain your optimal health.​

This form of alternative medicine, has been used since the 1980’s and has altered the lives of many people by :

  • Improving overall wellbeing

  • Increasing mental strength

  • Increasing clarity when dealing with problems or difficult situations

  • Enhancing resilience in times of stress and tension

  • Heightening connection to one’s inner self and true nature

  • Greater access to higher realms of consciousness for personal development

  • Providing profound insight into your innermost thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires​

Quantum healing has also been used to treat a variety of conditions. Results may vary from one person to another. Many clients have had success with treating certain conditions with quantum healing, including:

  • PTSD

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Chronic pain

  • Life transitions

  • Addiction issues

By facilitating quantum shifts in the body’s energetic fields, quantum healing can help to restore balance and promote healing on all levels. Ultimately, quantum healing offers individuals a powerful tool to unlock their full potential and achieve deeper levels of self-healing and transformation.

How is Quantum Healing performed?

Quantum healing is a therapeutic technique that practitioners use to treat physical, mental and emotional illnesses. It involves using quantum physics principles to access and influence the energy field of a person’s body to promote optimal health and wellness.

Practitioners utilize this quantum state in order to facilitate healing by tapping into the individual’s energy field, understanding how it works and making adjustments where necessary.

​We first assess the client’s condition and then create a personalised treatment plan based on our findings. During each session, we work with the patient to assess your quantum energy levels.We also provide advice about lifestyle changes or other treatments that may help you achieve optimal quantum health.


What are some quantum healing techniques?

In order to help clear blockages and promote balance in the body, we may use various quantum healing techniques, including:

  • Meditation

  • Biofeedback

  • Energy work

  • Visualization

  • Quantum touch

  • Quantum tunneling

  • Quantum superposition

  • Quantum reflex analysis

  • Quantum entanglement

  • Energy/Therapeutic massage 

  • Quantum resonance therapy​

Quantum mechanics can be difficult to grasp, but its potential for healing lies in its ability to explain how changes at quantum levels can affect the material world around us. By incorporating quantum principles into traditional healing practices, quantum healing therapy offers a powerful and transformative approach to health and wellbeing.


How can Quantum Therapy Help Me ?

Quantum Therapy taps into the quantum field which contains unlimited potential for health and well being. Through this field it accesses information about our current state at any given moment in time – both conscious and unconscious – to identify blockages and areas of imbalance. This quantum state brings more awareness, clarity and understanding which then has the potential to create quantum shifts in our physical and mental health.​


Quantum Healing utilises principles from quantum physics and it helps you heal on an energetic level. It involves shifting the body’s quantum fields and facilitates healing at a much deeper level than traditional forms of therapy. This type of healing process can be used to address physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental issues.

By directing Life-Force energy to various parts of the body with loving intent, many have experienced seemingly unimaginable relief from pain and illnesses. 

We have witnessed energy healing work miracles, both from a distance and in-person practise.

At Quantum Healing Source, we sincerely care about your well-being.

We work closely with you, in order to provide you with exactly what is needed to feel healthier. We take pride in taking the time to understand what your needs are in order to reach wellness.

We love working with clients from all walks of life who share the common goal of bettering their mind, body, and soul. Whether you are experiencing pain or simply want to improve your physical and mental fitness, Quantum Healing Source provides the resources to do so, in a healing and friendly environment. 

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine does not preclude using or recognizing the need for conventional medicine and the science behind it. Rather, it combines and incorporates the systems-based approach of functional medicine to provide a whole-body picture of each client’s health. This holistic modality means we consider all the factors, both physical and lifestyle-wise, that may impact your health from diet and environment to activity levels and state of mind. It’s a science-based view that looks more closely at the origins or root of an illness to determine what might have contributed either positively or negatively to your condition. And from there, we can design a better treatment plan that’s truly all about you.

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Quantum Biofeedback

What is Biofeedback? 

Bio’ is the Greek prefix meaning ‘Life’, Feedback is a term for receiving information on current behaviour. 

Biofeedback is used to influence or modify future behaviour, and the process by which you are given information about specific body events through the use of instrumentation. It is a non-invasive, non-drug therapy 


Quantum biofeedback is a mind-body technique with which we learn how to modify our physiology for the purpose of improving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Energy Healing Massage

Unlike other types of deep tissue massages, energy healing massages are much more relaxed. In fact, sometimes we may not even touch your body.  Clients say that they feel very relaxed during their massage and are able to release their emotions. When the heaviness goes away, they feel nothing but love and peace. 

Here are some of the things you can expect to happen during energy work: ​

* Release negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions 

* Promote healing of the mind, body, heart and soul 

* Feel more relaxed and balanced 

* See things from a new perspective 

* Restore physical and mental health 


How Does Massage Therapy Remove Energy Blocks? 

Massage therapy is an energy healing practice. It releases tension in the muscles, stimulates the body’s relaxation response and promotes the flow of lymph. The lymphatic system is one of the most significant systems in the body, though it rarely gets the attention it deserves. This system is responsible for removing waste products from your cells while regulating the immune system. 


Included in the lymphatic system are the: 

* Vessels

* Ducts 

* Tonsils

* Lymph nodes 

* Adenoids

* Tonsils 

* Spleen

* Thymus


The lymphatic vessels act as a giant drainage system for your body. To work efficiently, they must stay clear, otherwise they can’t remove waste products as easily. This can lead to waste and toxin buildup, a weakened immune system and a host of health problems. Fortunately, a simple massage can get this system working efficiently, moving out waste and toxins. 

When Can I Expect to See Results?

Surprisingly, most clients feel relief on their first session. This doesn’t mean that all of your blocks will be released, as some are probably very deep-rooted. However, you can expect some release and a greater feeling of love and peace. When the obstructions are removed, your body can begin healing from within, allowing you to continually feel better. 


Board Certified:

Holistic Health Practitioners by AADP, CMA, Clinical Psychologists,

Integrative Health by AAIM

Doctors of Natural Medicine by BNMDP

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

Nikola Tesla, Inventor & Futurist

Contact Us

Unit 11A Park Road, Faringdon SN7 7BP Oxfordshire

United  Kingdom

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Joan, 39

There are not enough words to express the difference QHS has made in my life! I was in constant pain with a disease the regular doctors said had no cure. Now it’s gone. Never felt so good in my life. The doctors say that they must have misdiagnosed because it can’t go away. Whatever. What I know is that I was really sick and QHS is what helped me get better. Now I don’t have any pills to take or any more costly medical bills and I feel great! Many thanks to you!
–Joan, 39

Linda, 50

CLL (Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia) is what I had when I started with Quantum Healing Source Doctors sessions. My headaches were constant. All I wanted to do was to sleep. I had rolls of what I thought was fat on my body. After many years of dealing with this, the headaches and the rolls on my body are gone. I have lots of energy and am able to do things I had stopped doing. –Linda, 50

David, 49

I have been treated for a few months now and till am being treated. What surprised me was how accurate it is at seeing what is wrong. I have several health issues. I was told my kidneys were bad. A couple weeks later my Dr. said my blood work showed I was in Stage 3 kidney failure. With treatment my kidneys are close to normal. I have several different arthritides, bursitis, etc. causing me pain and time in bed. My pain is not as bad as it was. I still have my flair ups, but they do not last as long or as bad. This has helped me. I do not understand how it works. I just know it does and I have seen results.

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